Tuesday, November 29, 2005

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

I can't believe it's happened so quickly. I've been writing my blog, what? A week? This is my 5th entry ... and I have writer's block. So soon!

Typically, I find myself so amusing. I think, "If only other people knew how amusing I was, surely they'd want to hear more." And now I have that opportunity with my 6ish dedicated readers ... but you all are used to hearing me rant anyway.

I think it's the running of errands that's making me stupid. And the fact that they're never done. Being House-spouse isn't all it's cracked up to be. Although, in my mind, I was both House-spouse and a writer extraordinaire, earning a decent salary in a few hours of work a day.

Instead, I blog once a day (not counting when I'm in Cleveland for the holidays, of course). I think about all of the other projects I should be working on. I apply for freelance jobs that I know I'll never get because I actually have a scant amount of that indefinable quality they like to refer to as "experience." And I sit and wait for that fabulous book deal to come in. I'm sure it'll be any day ...

Sad. Sad and pathetic. I thought I'd have all of this energy with a whole day ahead of me that I can spend how I choose. But it's kind of tiring to be choosing all the time. And worrying about finding a job.* And I feel guilty if I don't clean the apartment every freakin' day. It makes me wonder how we did it before I was home all the time. We're slobs! (Sorry, Keith.)

So yes, apparently today is a feeling sorry for myself day. If you'd like to be entertained, perhaps you should go here instead. (Cathy, I'm thinking this is what you were talking about?)

* Um, yeah. I quit my job before Thanksgiving, just a little FYI.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time! To kill oodles of time, try www.stewielive.com. Type in a variety of verbs--so mindlessly entertianing!