Monday, September 24, 2007

Doggie Master of His Domain

I don't know why, but for some reason it seems to be the week of the dog blogs. Beckett is just so inspirational!

I'm happy to report that we've pretty much transitioned Beckett to spending his day not in his crate, or even in the attic, but throughout the entire house. When we first got him over a year ago, there was no way we'd do this. If we left him alone for 5 minutes, something would be destroyed.

I think, now that he's over 3 years old, he's calmed down a smidgen. True, we're currently on dog bed #5, but he destroyed dog bed #1 in the first few days, and it took weeks for him to annihilate dog bed #4. Now that's what I call progress!

So, over a few weeks and some minor setbacks (dog bed #4, Keith's lunchbag, a couple tipped trash cans), the transition is complete.

How can I know for sure that we're committed to leaving him the run of the house all day? Well, because Beckett has decided it is so.

Since we started leaving him out and about, I've tried a couple times to go back to locking him in the attic. And he's broken out. I return home to be greeted by him at the back door, tail wagging. The attic door is not looking good.

So I guess that means we agree, as a family, for the good of the dog and the attic door, he is now allowed full run of the house. Except the dog bed gets hidden in the closet before I leave. And the cat has cast a dissenting vote, but I think she's been overruled.

*The photos are of Beckett, snuggled into bed. As anyone who has lived with/watched Beckett for us knows, he prefers to sleep under the covers. Oftentimes in the morning when we get back from our run, he heads back up to bed. The first image is his attempt to get under the covers. In the second one I took pity on him, and lifted up the covers so he could get settled. (He's the lump at the foot of the bed.)


Anonymous said...

Awwww that's sooooc cute. I can't imagine our filthy animal having free reign of the house!! He's just so... so stinky, as cute as he is!

Menopauseprincess said...

OMG! Okay, I thought my "fur nephew" was the only dog that wanted to sleep under the covers.
As for the stinky part, well I guess you just do more laundry!

M. Lubbers said...

Bren: He was getting a little ripe last week, although with his short hair, it's usually not too bad. I gave him a bath, which he conveyed via doleful eyes was horribly mean on my part, and he's still soft and smelling like roses. Until he finds something disgusting to roll in, that is;) It's only a matter of time!

MP: Beckett is the only dog I've known to be so insistent on it, but it's good to hear he's not the only one!

kevin.wms said...

Ah, the joys of pet ownership. Beckett's a great looking canine. I'm sure he enjoys having the run of the house!

BTW, thanks again for The Guardian's list of Top 100 books. I added an update and gave you props!

M. Lubbers said...


Glad you liked the list! I'm always ready to pass along reading suggestions. Probably TOO ready, according to my friends and family;)

Thanks for giving me the shout-out on your blog. If you get a chance, My last name has an "s" on the end that seems to have dropped off. So if you could add that back on, it would be fab.

After all this talk about the reading list, I'll have to do a post about reading/books soon!