Friday, September 07, 2007


I'm so ready for the weekend. Why do the short weeks always feel so long?

Earlier this week, I told Keith that we had plans for this weekend. He doesn't know what they are yet—I've just told him that he's busy from noon to 4:30 on Saturday. I'm pretty excited about it. For obvious reasons, I can't go into more detail here.

But I'm just sitting here at my desk, thinking about how much I love surprises. The thrill of anticipation, wondering and guessing about what it might turn out to be .... of course, I already know. (Or do I? Maybe my big plan is to take a nap on the couch or there is no plan except to not make plans.) But I think of Keith guessing, and I still get a vicarious thrill of anticipation, hoping that he likes the surprise. Also hoping that he doesn't pull the dreaded, nonchalant response to the reveal of, "Oh yeah, I thought it might be this."

So, fingers crossed that Keith's in the dark. And when the surprise is revealed, he is as excited about it as I am. I'll update you all next week!

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