In case you couldn't tell by the lack of posting, the craziness of her birthday weekend wore me out. So many people and activities and presents! But it was a great weekend and a wonderful birthday party.
I tried to get everyone to tell me beforehand what they were getting Eleanor, so I could warn them if there were any duplicates. But, by and large, everyone refused to tell me. I think because, since Eleanor wasn't really that concerned with her birthday festivities this year, it felt like the surprise was more for Keith and me than it was for Eleanor. And no one wants to ruin a surprise!
So I half expected to get the same 5 toys repeatedly, perhaps top recommendations by Parents magazine or all Baby Einsteins because Eleanor is just that smart :) But I was very impressed by the fact that she got a wide variety of toys and clothes. We pulled out a few toys to give her later, when these start to lose their luster. But for now, she loves all of the new toys. From the complicated water table to the rocking horse to the "beach bag" that she piles everything into and carries from room to room, she is enthralled! And it's fun for us to see her interacting with all of these new toys and, ergo, how much she has grown mentally and physically in the past year.
I'm sure this next year will be a lot of fun!
Isn't it strange how you don't notice them growing up, until you suddenly catch them doing something new, or a new expression, or something else like that.
Great post, and Happy first year being a Mom!
Thanks, Jonathan! Although it was only one little one, instead of the 3 you got at once, it has still been quite an adjustment:)
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