Tuesday, December 27, 2005

New Year's Resolutions: 2

Part Two: Buff Bodies

I found it interesting that the Top 10 List of New Year's Resolutions had two entries dedicated to health and fitness:
2. Fit in Fitness
3. Lose Weight

Would these not be considered the same thing? I guess maybe it's more indicative of our society's view of fitness and weight being two separate issues. A person may be fit enough *ahem* to run seven miles while carrying a bit of chub. This person may be fit, but according to the Gap and Cosmo, she would still need to lose weight.

So I think that my personal New Year's resolution (because yes, I will continue to make them, even though 98.5% of the time they amount to nothing) should be to think of being fit and losing weight as one and the same. Or rather, drop the whole "losing weight" theme.

However, I do need to pay attention to both the diet and exercise aspects of being fit, since I can run for miles and then come home and happily chow down on pizza and pop any night of the week. Or morning. Perhaps a little more running and a little less pizza might also mean a better ratio of flab to muscle. Hmmmm, what a thought!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this one- Forget losing weight and just work on getting fit. You talked me out of cancelling my Curves membership. You also cut my resolution list by four- I can get rid of the "no carbs", "no sugar", "no eating between meals" and "drink 64 oz. of water/day". The only two left, besides "get fit" are
1. discover the meaning of life
2. read more books