Thursday, March 09, 2006

Kudos to Krug!

I'm jealous, but can admit when someone other than yours truly may actually have written something worth reading. And I proudly announce with a minimum of teeth-grinding, that Amy Krug has done it.

Amy and I both worked on campus and got our Master's in English at the same time. When you think of someone getting an MA in English, what do you picture? A guy with wire-rimmed glasses and a goatee, pontificating about allegory and allusion? Perhaps a slender, pale woman who rants about Virginia Woolf, feminist writing, and the freedom of expression in the Beats' writing?

We had all of those in the program and more. Luckily for me, there was also Amy. Someone I could roll my eyes at when the classroom discussion got a little too long-winded, when the young literati started taking themselves too seriously. (Which is to say, as soon as they walked in the door.) We would go out for drinks, make fun of our classmates, and toast to our own much superior writing talents.

Amy helped me revise my thesis, encouraged me with my writing and just dealing with life. She's a good friend and a great writer. Congratulations on winning the Erma Bombeck award!

To read her hilarious essay, click here.


Anonymous said...

Quite a funny piece - reminded me a of fine Sedaris story. I'm proud to say I shook this woman's hand at your wedding, Megan. Congrats, Amy, and thanks for the link to it, Megan.


Anonymous said...

Hilarious essay, if a bit gross.

Anyhow, I thought of you yesterday while I was getting the flossing lecture at the dentist's yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Did I mention that I was at the dentist's YESTERDAY ?


It was kind of a surprise, actually--I totally forgot that I had the appointment, so it was sort of a shocker to get a reminder on my answering machine Wed. night.

Anyhow, I have to get back to looking busy... for another three hours. Sigh.