Friday, June 01, 2007

Not Traveling

It's Friday afternoon, I get off work in a few hours, and I feel fabulous. Because tonight, I'm going to go home.

That's it! I'm just going home. I'm not going to Cincinnati, or New York, or Louisville, or even to my parents' on the West side. This weekend, I'm just going to be home.

We do have some errands to run, but I think we can keep them to within a 10-mile radius of our house. Otherwise, we're going to get things done around the house, and maybe even relax a little bit. Sleep in, read a book.

And the best news is that, for June, we don't have any big trips planned. We're going camping, but that's local. So by the time of my sister-in-law's wedding in early July down in Louisville, I might actually be ready for another road trip!

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