Thursday, April 02, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to me! I'm not just 30 anymore. I'm "in my early 30s." It feels so much older. Of course, that might also have something to do with the fact that I'm no longer merely pregnant, but a Mom.

We are getting together with my family tonight, but Keith and I don't have specific plans yet to celebrate on our own. My older sister is watching Eleanor on Friday night so we can go out .... but I have no idea what to do. I don't want to just go out to eat. I want to focus to be on something other than food. I want to DO something. I thought about ice-skating, but I'm done with winter. It needs to be an activity that either isn't tied to any particular season or, if it is, it speaks of sunshine and warmth.

Any suggestions?


Amy said...

Birthday greetings!

I don't really have any ideas for your celebratory night out -- I mostly stopped by to say that today's ZITS comic strip reminded me of you. (Well, really, about a comment I made about what you could do with Eleanor's photo, but whatevs.)

At any rate, check it out:

cat said...

Hmm, date ideas. How about bowling?

FitGeGe said...

Happy Birthday! I may have missed the big day as well as the date night, suggestion is local music...there are always music events happening in cities, and sometimes you might even find a new band that you really, really like.

Anyway, hope you had the best birthday ever!

M. Lubbers said...

Amy: Thanks for the link. I definitely identified with it!

Cat and Gege: Thanks for the ideas! I had thought about bowling, and the local music idea is good, too. I'll keep them both in mind--when we go out on a date again someday!;)