I'm sad that the camping season is over. We've taken Eleanor camping 4 times this year, and have had a wonderful time. She loves exploring, staying up by the fire, and sleeping with us in the tent. When she wakes up in the morning and realizes Keith and I are right there next to her ... AND the dog is there, she's in heaven!
The end of one season now automatically brings my mind to the next year. The next time we take her camping, she will be nearly 2 years old. What will she be doing? What will be her favorite part of camping then? How many words will she know? She is changing so fast these days. I look forward to the Eleanor of next year, but I know I will miss today's Eleanor, too.
Our kids love camping too.
Most recently, at the end of the last school term, I camped with them in the school field (a great evening where all the parents get to camp together in the school field). The fun bit was watching those families who had obviously never camped before :)
I remember reading your blog post about that trip and identifying with it. What kid doesn't love camping and getting dirty and forgetting all about the usual schedule?
It's us parents that often have a hard time with it :)
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