Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Schizophrenic Sandals

What's the deal with the sandals? I know—we're all ready for Spring and warm weather. But just because you want it to be 70 doesn't mean you should ignore the fact that it's a cold and inhospitable 40 and wear sandals instead.

I can't pin down the exact day, but for the past two weeks or so, I've seen more and more sandals and flipflops appearing on people's feet. Usually women, but some guys, too.

These people must have decided that it's mind over matter. It had to be a conscious decision to wear inappropriate foot attire, right? Because the open-toed shoes should all have been pushed to the back of society's collective closet, waiting until the very first warm day to make an appearance, and then inexplicably to continue popping up over the next few weeks, when it's back to winter.

I don't think it's a fashion statement as much as a defiant stand against winter. I can admire the sentiment, but my feet get cold much too easily to join in the current toe exposure trend.


Anonymous said...

Heh. Cathy's been wearing flip-flops for a month. We went to see Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector the other week [Somebody had to. It's hilariously awesome, actually, in a twelve-year-old boy sort of way.] and she's crabbing about how cold it is. Clue phone, Becky -- It's for you!

Andy G. said...

There was a guy in my fraternity that always wore sandles, even in the snow. It was part of who he was I guess, and the sandals were really gross. The same guy sat on the porch all the time singing and playing guitar trying to woo the ladies that would walk past. He was very into Dave Matthews (not a normal "I like his music", but an extreme and kinda creepy "I think I am actually Dave Matthews and to prove it I am going to sit on the porch and wail on my guitar and try to sing just like him"). Nothing much came of this guy as far as I know. He dropped out of U of L with the intention of transferring to Florida where he could enjoy his sandal habit more I assume. I don't think he ever made it to Florida, last I heard he was selling vacuum cleaners.

Anonymous said...

Well, now, I've been forced to come and defend my flippies and cold feeties. I'm just ready for summer, toe rings, pedicures, and cute sandals. So I force the season even though this is nortern Ohio and it is probably going to snow again soon. I've also been wearing my cute fluttery tops then finding guys to wrap their arms around me to keep me warm.

M. Lubbers said...

I know just the guy you're talking about, Andy. There's one of him on every college campus, I think. And I think that sandal boy is in a league of his own.

But either way, I think Cat and Amy's arguments, as well as the existence of sandal boy, reinforce the idea of sandals in frigid weather as a mind over matter battle, and more than just careless choosing of shoes.