Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Trash Can Fairies

Tomorrow is trash day. And, as per usual, Keith and I took the trash cans out.

Which seems normal. Most people do take their trash to the curb on a weekly basis. However, do most of you share trash cans with 4 people living upstairs? And yet, you take the trash cans to the street 93.8% of the time? Hopefully that is not the situation for most of you, because it's extremely irritating to be carting out someone else's trash. Or 4 someones, when you live with one other person.

"Do they think the trash can fairies make it all disappear on a regular basis?" I mutter to myself as I drag the heavy plastic containers with a slightly sticky handle to the curb. Again. But we all know that's not it. They're lazy, and they know that we'll do it. Because we always do.

What are our options? We could try and take a stand. Ring their doorbell every other week and tap my foot on the front porch and point at the trash cans, waiting for them to do their part. (The neighbors, not the trashcans. I do not believe in trash can fairies.)

But that's wayy too much like being the house mother. I don't want to be their mother. I just want the trash to be taken out. And I'd rather deal with trash than people.

I also found many too many images of people in trash cans when I was looking for clipart. What's up with that?


Unknown said...

I suggest taking the cans out to the street, but then leaving them out there until someone else brings them in. That way the cans are empty, but you can still take your stand.

Andy G. said...

I am still impressed with your clipart. I experimented with putting clip art on my page but I couldn't get it to work like you do. I believe you told me that you use word clipart, but how do you get it into jpg format?

M. Lubbers said...

See Bob, the thing is, they are much more adept at ignorance than I am.

For example, we get these annoying ad flyers delivered on Saturday evenings. Why? I don't know. All I can say for certain is they just show up and one night we were leaving when this guy was skulking on the porch with them and it scared the bejeesus out of me.

Anyway, I always throw out ours and that of our upstairs neighbors right away. I've tried a couple times to leave theirs, to try and prompt the idea that, perhaps, they should be responsible for shit on their half of the house.

It doesn't work. I place it directly in front of their door. They don't even kick it back over to our side; they just step over it for a week or more. All of them.

So I take the trash cans out and in and dream of a world without other people.

M. Lubbers said...


I use Paint.NET to save the clipart as jpgs or gifs. I find what I want in Word, copy and paste it into Paint.NET and do a "save as." It would be totally sketch for print, but for web anything goes!;)

Anonymous said...

At least you don't have to put the trash in your car and drive it to the dumpster at the opposite end of the property. Sometimes my car will have a weird smell for a while.

I wish a had a trash fairy.