Tuesday, July 03, 2007


On Sunday, we had a cook-out. It served dual purposes--to celebrate Keith's birthday and also the fact that we've been in the house for a year. Saturday I realized that it also served a third, important purpose: to get me to actually clean around the house and the yard.

Between working full-time, starting our business, joining the writing group, and the everyday busy-ness that is life, I don't think I'm very good at just taking time to relax. Whenever I sit and watch TV or read a book, I feel guilty because there's so many tasks left on my to-do list. I really should be more productive.

But on Sunday, with the cook-out, I really did relax. We'd done most of the prepwork on Saturday, so on Sunday we slept in and still had a leisurely morning to do some light cleaning and cooking before guests arrived. The music played in the background, good food was plentiful, the dogs (Beckett plus Erin's golden retriever and chocolate lab) raced around the backyard, the cornhole competition heated up, and the conversation flowed. And I relaxed.

I wish I could claim that I actually took an entire day off. But I did sneak in some writing and business time before getting ready for the cook-out. And, after it was all over, I of course felt guilty for all the lost hours of productivity.

But I think that the delicious food, great company, and relaxed atmosphere of the cook-out was good for me. I need to better about taking time off to slow down and enjoy life .... It's on the to-do list.

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