Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Linky Linky

Um, so freelancing kind of sucks. It's been sucking away all of my free time ever since I started. I work probably 50-60 hours a week, and yet am getting paid significantly less than Keith. And I do like writing and all, but I also like having 5 minutes to not feel guilty because I should be writing. I don't have time to read or blog or do anything else that is not working, working out, running errands, or paid writing. This is not cool.

So I'll need to think about how to rectify this situation. In the meantime, I thought I'd leave you with some links. On Saturday, my family got together to celebrate my little sister's birthday. (Yay, Erin!) We ended up sitting around Keith's laptop in the living room and saying, "You think that's funny? How about this!" and watching stupid Internet movie clips.



Anonymous said...

Uhm, so, work kind of sucks. It's finally started to pick up around here, so I don't have oodles of "free time" between 8 and 4:30 to check out your blog and make hi-larious comments about same.

That said, I will have to fire up ye olde laptop later on at home, and check out some of your links. I heart Andy Samberg and the Lazy Sunday clip, so I'm curious about Lazy Monday.

Anonymous said...

You think those are funny? Check out the escaped monkey drill http://video.msn.com/v/us/v.htm?g=1b4d3d0c-644b-4024-82c2-6ba587792d3a&t=c156&f=06/64&p=hotvideo_viralvideos. (I hope that works.)

There was a guy on my soccer team in 6th grade who ran like the gayest referee. Wonder what he's up to these days ...