Friday, February 17, 2006

Luv Special: The Final Chapter

And after all the false starts and glorious mishaps of young love, then there was Keith.


When I was telling Laurie I liked Keith, she and I both agreed that he seemed like the kind of guy who would treat his girlfriend really well. And of course I was right (as I always am, unless I'm disagreeing with Keith).

To be perfectly honest, I don’t really have many specific Valentine’s memories with Keith. And I like it that way. This year, he bought me a bag of Valentine’s-colored peanut M&Ms, which I devoured. We ran some errands and Keith made coneys for dinner. (He actually made 3-ways, but I don’t want anyone from outside Cinci to get the wrong idea.)

Rather than make a heroic effort one day a year, I feel like we are constantly making an effort to spend quality time together, enjoy each other’s company, and express our appreciation for the other person. Since Keith doesn’t have a blog and can’t express any contrary opinions, I guess you’ll just have to believe me on that;)

Over the years, I’ve found that certain of Keith’s traits make every aspect of our life together better and richer.

I appreciate how open he is to trying new things and challenging himself. In the 9 years that I’ve known him, he has:

  • Traveled to Europe and Mexico for the first time,
  • Started playing the guitar,
  • Learned how to swing dance,
  • Run a half-marathon (and is training for another one), and
  • Eaten soy crumbles, fake bacon, guacamole, and invented peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.

On the other hand, his enjoyment of everyday events and simple pleasures helps slow me down and makes me realize what a good life we have together. I love how excited he gets over:

  • Anything barbeque
  • Watching “Survivor” or “24”
  • Sleeping in together on the weekend
  • Golfing
  • Going to a UD men’s basketball game
  • Getting new running gear.

He makes chores like grocery shopping, getting gas, or filing taxes fun. (Okay, taxes still aren’t fun, but at least more bearable.) This is an amazing and essential skill for a life partner to have.

Finally, I love planning our life together. From how he talks and acts, I feel completely secure that he is concerned about our future together, and not just enforcing his own needs and wants. It makes me feel safe, and excited for the coming years.

In our wedding vows, we said how much we were looking forward to growing old together and getting to know the other person throughout all the stages of life. I feel that way more than ever, and know that I am incredibly lucky to have a partner as wonderful as Keith. Well really, how lucky I am to have Keith.


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